How To Select A Centre or School


Welcome to a comprehensive guide designed exclusively for parents navigating the crucial decision-making process of choosing the best center, school, or setup for their child with special needs. The journey of parenting a child with special requirements has its unique set of challenges. As a parent, you are unwavering in your commitment to ensuring that your child not only receives adequate care but also experiences personalized education and support that cater to their individual needs.

We understand that the prospect of selecting a specialized environment for your child can be overwhelming and often confusing. With an abundance of options available, ranging from special needs schools to therapy centers and various specialized setups, it’s crucial to make an informed decision that lays the foundation for your child’s future success and happiness.


Throughout the pages of this guide, we will delve into the key points that every parent should consider when embarking on this important journey. By providing you with valuable insights, expert advice, and practical tips, we aim to empower you to make well-informed choices that align with your child’s unique needs and potential.

So, without further delay, let’s embark on this enlightening journey together, exploring the key points that every parent should keep in mind when selecting a special needs center, school, or setup for their precious child.

    • Visit The Setup
    • Qualification
    • Experience & Training
    • Acceptance
    • Facilities & Resources
    • Reviews of Centre/School/Facility
    • Good Listener & Compassionate Staff
    • IEP (Clear Goals & Targets)
    • Curriculum & Teaching Methodology
    • Transparency
    • Security & Safety
    • Hygiene
    • Session Observation
    • Parent’s Training
    • Parent-Teacher Communication
    • Environment
    • Staff-To-Child Ratio
    • The Trust
    • Regularity
    • Don’t Rely Only On Outlook
    • Relation With Child
    • Setup-Employee Relationship
    • Info About The Owner
    • Preference To Inclusive Setup
    • Continuous Observation
    • Ask Questions
    • Prior Knowledge Of The Child
    • 6th Sense of Parents
    • Frequent Switching Of Centre

    However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up. ~ Stephen Howking

     1. Visit The Setup:

    Visit the center or school to gather accurate information. Explore multiple centers to understand the services and facilities offered elsewhere, which can broaden parents’ perspectives regarding their child’s needs. This process can assist in selecting the best place to meet those requirements. Inquire about the staff and assess if they meet the child’s needs. It’s important to note that some centers might lack adequately trained staff or operate without proper equipment and materials.

       2. Qualification:

      Certainly, qualifications and credentials are obviously one of the top priorities to consider. It is essential to determine if the services that are being offered are provided by qualified professionals. Parents have the right to inquire about and verify the professionals’ degrees, and professionals should not be offended by such inquiries. In the case of international certifications, you can ask for the certificate, and these authorities often list the names of certified professionals on their websites, allowing for easy verification. An important aspect to note is whether the certification requires supervision; in such cases, you have the right to inquire about the supervisor. It’s within your discretion to avoid choosing professionals who withhold basic information.

         3. Experience and Training:

        Certainly, having appropriate qualifications is crucial, but it’s not always sufficient. Experience and specialized training are equally vital, as dealing with various challenges demands specific expertise. To ensure the best fit for your child, you can inquire about the specific areas in which the staff has worked. This way, you can assess whether their expertise aligns with your child’s needs, making it beneficial for their development and well-being.

          4. Acceptance:

          Acceptance encompasses various dimensions that are crucial in different contexts. Initially, it’s essential for parents to fully embrace and acknowledge their child’s condition, disability, or challenges. This acceptance serves as the foundation upon which effective planning and support can be built to cater to the child’s specific needs.

          Furthermore, holistic acceptance within the educational and therapeutic environment is equally paramount. The center, therapists, classmates, and group members must also embrace the child wholeheartedly. Without this collective acceptance, meaningful progress and development for the child would be challenging to achieve. Building a supportive and inclusive atmosphere is fundamental in fostering the child’s growth and well-being.

            The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched- they must be felt with the heart. ~ Helen Keller

            5. Facilities and Resources:

            The reason for specifically highlighting this point is to underscore its importance. When searching for a suitable center, it’s crucial to prioritize establishments equipped with ample facilities and resources. These resources play a pivotal role in enriching your child’s learning journey and overall experience within the setting. Selecting a center with the right tools and amenities can significantly contribute to your child’s educational and developmental progress.

              6. Reviews of Centre/School/Facility:

              In today’s digital age, online reviews serve as a valuable source of information. However, it’s essential to exercise caution, as these reviews can occasionally be deceptive. Genuine feedback from parents can be incredibly insightful, aiding in making informed decisions. It’s important to note, though, that every child is unique, and their experiences can vary widely. Thus, while considering reviews, it’s crucial to maintain a balanced perspective, recognizing the individuality of each child and keeping that factor in mind when assessing the feedback.

                7. Good Listener and Compassionate Staff:

                The therapist or rehabilitation professional should possess excellent listening skills. Additionally, the staff within the facility should demonstrate qualities of modesty, empathy, and compassion. It’s important to observe not just the words they use but also their body language and communication style, especially when interacting with your child. Genuine empathy can be gauged by how discreetly they discuss the child’s challenges. Some individuals lack compassion and may openly discuss a child’s difficulties in their presence, showcasing insensitivity and a lack of understanding. Hence, it’s crucial to assess these interpersonal aspects when choosing the right professional or facility for your child.

                  8. IEP (Clear Goals and Targets):

                  Effective communication of clear goals and targets with parents is paramount when dealing with children with special needs. It’s essential to engage in thorough discussions about the Individualized Education Program (IEP) with parents. Parents have the right to inquire about the specific goals and plans set for their child, including the activities that will be implemented. Understanding how each activity addresses a particular area of the child’s needs is crucial information that parents should actively seek. By being well-informed about the planned activities and their corresponding benefits, parents can actively participate in their child’s educational journey and ensure that the support provided aligns with their child’s requirements.

                    I am a parent. I am a caregiver. I am a family member. It is my job to see the world through this child’s eyes. Explain this child to teachers. Explain this child to our community. It is my privilege to fight for this child’s needs. ~ Unknown

                    9. Curriculum and Teaching Methodology:

                    Selecting an appropriate center is crucial, and this choice should be based on whether the center’s curriculum and teaching methods are in harmony with your child’s unique learning needs and interests. Moreover, it’s vital to confirm that the center offers a well-rounded approach encompassing both academic and extracurricular activities. This balance ensures that your child not only receives the necessary educational support but also has opportunities to explore and nurture their passions beyond the classroom, fostering a holistic development tailored to their individual strengths and interests.

                      10. Transparency:

                      Transparency can be approached from various perspectives, including:

                      Open Communication: Transparency is demonstrated through the exchange of vital information with parents, which may include documents, videos, and other records. This open dialogue ensures that parents are well-informed about their child’s progress and activities, fostering trust and understanding.

                      Physical Transparency: Another aspect of transparency involves the physical setup of the center. Creating an environment with features like glass walls or windows allows for easy monitoring. This design choice promotes an atmosphere of openness, where parents can observe activities and interactions, reinforcing a sense of trust in the center’s operations and the care provided to their child.

                        11. Security and Safety:

                        Ensuring the safety and security of the children is of utmost importance in any setup. Many centers have recognized this need and have implemented various security measures. For instance, security cameras have become a common feature in numerous setups, allowing for constant surveillance and monitoring. Additionally, centers have adopted various preventive measures to minimize the risk of injuries, emphasizing the importance of creating a secure environment where children can learn and thrive without concerns for their safety.

                          12. Hygiene:

                          Maintaining proper hygiene is essential, especially considering that children with special needs often have lower immunity levels. Addressing this concern by ensuring a clean and hygienic environment can significantly reduce the risks associated with infections and illnesses. Taking proactive measures in hygiene practices becomes imperative in safeguarding the health and well-being of these children, emphasizing the significance of a sanitized setting tailored to their specific needs.

                            I don’t think the worst thing that could happen to me is raising a child with special needs. I think the worst thing is to raise a child who is cruel to those with special needs. ~ Unknown

                            13. Session’s Observation:

                            Parents have the right to regularly observe and visit the setup to witness the sessions firsthand. This allows them to understand the techniques being used, enabling them to replicate these practices at home for their child. Many setups now recognize the importance of parental involvement and encourage such visits, emphasizing the need to do so without disrupting the learning environment. This active engagement not only fosters a collaborative approach between parents and professionals but also ensures that consistent and effective strategies can be applied both in the center and at home, leading to rapid and enduring results in the child’s development.

                              14. Parent’s Training:

                              The setup should also prioritize providing training sessions tailored specifically for parents. These sessions are invaluable as they equip parents with the necessary skills to effectively support their child at home. Offering customized training ensures that parents receive personalized guidance, addressing the unique needs of their child. This approach not only empowers parents with the tools to navigate challenges but also enhances their ability to provide targeted, nurturing support in the home environment. Ultimately, such focused parental training proves highly beneficial in optimizing the child’s overall development and well-being.

                                15. Parent-Teacher Communication:

                                Select a center that places a strong emphasis on effective communication between teachers and parents. Regular updates, progress reports, and ongoing dialogue are essential components in keeping parents well-informed about their child’s development and educational journey. This open line of communication not only fosters a collaborative partnership between educators and parents but also enables parents to actively participate in their child’s learning process. These updates provide valuable insights into the child’s progress, allowing parents to offer meaningful support tailored to their child’s specific needs and achievements.

                                  16. Environment:

                                  The overall environment of the setup, including the atmosphere in classrooms and groups, significantly influences a child’s learning experience. It’s crucial to consider not only the qualifications of the service providers but also the professional background of the head of the institution. The ambiance, teaching methods, and interpersonal dynamics within the classrooms and groups contribute to a child’s educational and social development. Therefore, evaluating these aspects alongside the expertise of the staff and the leadership qualities of the institution’s head ensures a comprehensive assessment of the learning environment, aiding in the decision-making process for parents seeking the best educational setting for their child.

                                    People with special needs are not as different from you and me as you might think. They want the same things we want: to love and be loved, and to be accepted, appreciated, and included. ~ Sylvia Phillips

                                    17. Staff-To-Child Ratio:

                                    Understanding the staff-to-child ratio at the center is crucial. A lower ratio implies that each child receives more individualized attention, leading to a higher quality of care and personalized support. This ratio directly influences the level of supervision, interaction, and guidance that your child will receive while at the center. Being aware of this ratio helps parents gauge the extent of individual attention their child can expect, ensuring a nurturing and supportive environment that caters to their specific needs and promotes optimal development.

                                      18. The Trust:

                                      Trust and satisfaction are pivotal aspects developed through conversations with professionals. Assessing your child’s future, perhaps envisioning where you want them to be in the next five years, is crucial. Consider whether the professionals you’re engaging with appear capable of aiding you in achieving these goals. Evaluating their approach, expertise, and commitment during discussions can provide valuable insights, helping you make an informed decision about the best path for your child’s development.

                                        19. Regularity:

                                        Consistency is another critical factor to consider. When choosing a setup, it’s essential to factor in the physical location and convenience, ensuring it is feasible for you to maintain long-term regularity. This consistent engagement plays a vital role in your child’s improvement. By selecting a location that is easily accessible and manageable in the long run, you can ensure uninterrupted support and sustained progress for your child’s development.

                                          20. Don’t Rely Only On The Outlook:

                                          It’s crucial not to base your decision solely on the outward appearance of the setup. Instead, delve into discussions about various aspects related to your child’s needs and understanding. We have covered several points, and there will be more to discuss in this regard. Considering these factors comprehensively ensures a well-informed choice that aligns with your child’s requirements and promotes their overall development.

                                            It shouldn’t matter how slowly a child learns. What matters is that we encourage them to never stop trying. ~ Robert John Meehan

                                            21. Relation With Child/Individual:

                                            Building a strong rapport with the child or individual is essential during meetings, and there are certain aspects that might require more than one session to address effectively. While a professional may possess competence, their inability to establish a connection with the child could render their skills useless in the context of the child’s development. In such cases, the expertise remains untapped and does not contribute to the child’s improvement. Therefore, it is critical to assess not only the professional’s skills but also their ability to form a meaningful relationship with the child, ensuring that the expertise is utilized effectively for the child’s benefit.

                                              22. Setup-Employee Relationship:

                                              It’s important to observe how an organization treats its employees, as this reflects their values and can impact their interactions with clients. When employees are respected and treated with dignity, they are more likely to extend the same courtesy to clients. Additionally, considering the longevity of professionals within the same organization is crucial. A stable and experienced team often signifies a positive work environment and can lead to better outcomes for clients. Therefore, assessing both employee treatment and professional tenure can provide valuable insights into the organization’s ethos and the quality of service it offers to its clients.

                                                23. Info About The Owner:

                                                Gaining insights into the owner of a setup and their background can provide valuable context about the organization’s purpose and underlying motives. While the significance of this information might be subject to debate, understanding the background of the owner can prove to be helpful at various stages. It can shed light on the vision driving the setup, helping individuals make informed decisions and fostering a deeper understanding of the organization’s goals and values.

                                                  24. Preference To Inclusive Setup:

                                                  Considering your child’s specific requirements, opting for an inclusive setup is highly beneficial, given the numerous advantages and positive outcomes associated with such environments. However, in the context of Pakistan, finding a truly inclusive setup can be challenging, as only a handful of establishments adhere to the genuine concept of inclusivity. It’s crucial to acknowledge the limitations within these setups, which often stem from factors such as limited resources and high expenses. Moreover, the lack of support from the government sector further exacerbates the challenges, making it difficult to ensure comprehensive inclusivity due to various constraints faced by these setups.

                                                    Being a mother is learning about the strengths you didn’t know you had, and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed. ~ Linda Wooten

                                                    25. Continuous Observation and Check:

                                                    Selecting a setup is just the beginning of the journey, marking the initial phase rather than the conclusion. It is essential to maintain continuous vigilance and regularly assess the chosen setup’s performance. Observing the child directly is crucial; their happiness and comfort in the chosen setup, be it a center or school, are paramount. Allowing time for the child to acclimate to the new environment is important, but it’s equally vital to actively monitor their well-being and satisfaction to ensure a positive and nurturing learning experience.

                                                      26. Ask Questions:

                                                      Feel free to ask questions, as it is your right to seek clarification about the center and the professionals involved. It’s important to address any misconceptions you might have, as this will enable you to make the best-informed decision. Don’t hesitate to seek the necessary information to ensure your understanding is accurate and complete before making any decisions.

                                                        27. Prior Knowledge Of The Child:

                                                        It’s crucial for parents to accurately assess their child’s situation and specific requirements. To gain a comprehensive understanding, consulting a professional such as a Clinical Psychologist might be required. The professional can provide detailed information, including IQ assessments, to help parents comprehend their child’s developmental stage effectively. By understanding how their child compares to the typical age group, parents can gauge the level of support needed, plan for the future, and track the necessary progress. This information forms the foundation for making well-informed decisions regarding the child’s education and overall development.

                                                          28. 6th Sense Of Parents:

                                                          Certain professionals emphasize the significance of parental intuition, often referred to as the “6th sense” or gut feeling, in decision-making processes. While relying on empirical data and expert advice is crucial, parents possess a unique understanding of their child’s needs and well-being. This innate sense can be an invaluable guide, offering insights that might not be apparent through formal assessments alone. Parents, being intimately familiar with their child’s behavior, emotions, and communication, often have an intuitive understanding of what works best for their child. Therefore, combining expert advice with parental intuition can provide a holistic perspective, enhancing the decision-making process and ensuring a more personalized and effective approach to the child’s development and education.

                                                            29. Frequent Switching of Centre:

                                                            It is advisable to avoid frequently changing centers or professionals within a short period because building a rapport and relationship with the chosen center or professional takes time. This relationship is fundamental to the child’s progress, as it fosters trust, communication, and a conducive learning environment. Achieving meaningful progress for the child heavily relies on this established connection. However, it is also important to acknowledge the challenge faced by parents in accurately assessing a professional’s suitability within just 1-2 meetings. Sometimes, despite giving adequate time, if there is no noticeable progress or if the outcomes do not meet the expected standards, it becomes necessary to consider switching the setup.

                                                              Promise me you’ll always remember… you’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you know. ~ Christopher Robin

                                                               CLOSING REMARKS:

                                                              In conclusion, selecting the right school, center, or learning facility for a child with special or additional needs is a critical decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. Understanding the child’s specific requirements, consulting professionals such as clinical psychologists, and valuing parental intuition are all vital aspects of this process. It’s essential to observe how the setup treats its employees, assess the longevity of professionals within the organization, and closely monitor the child’s happiness and progress in the chosen environment.

                                                              While it might be challenging to strike the perfect balance between patience and prompt action, recognizing the importance of building a strong relationship with the chosen center or professional cannot be overstated. This relationship forms the foundation for the child’s growth and development, impacting their overall well-being.

                                                              I am hopeful that the points discussed above will be helpful for parents and caregivers facing the challenging task of selecting the right facility for their child. Your child’s unique needs and potential deserve the best possible support, and making an informed decision is the first step toward ensuring their success. I encourage you to share this information with other parents, caregivers, and anyone who might benefit from this knowledge. Together, we can create awareness and empower parents to make the best choices for their children’s future.


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