World Braille Day
The World Braille Day was chosen as an international day by the United Nations General Assembly in November 2018. The day is celebrated on 4th January every year.
Goal / Purpose Of The World Braille Day:
The goal of this day is to create, celebrate and increase awareness about the importance of Braille for providing the ease of reading, writing and means of communication for persons with vision impairment. As a fundamental right, everyone is entitled to have an equal opportunity to foster his or her abilities.
Lego-style bricks, Rubix cubes etc are continuously changing the use of Braille and helping the community.

What is Braille?
Braille is a system of raised dots to represent alphabets and numerical characters using the system of six (06) dots. The system was named after its creator Louis Braille. The system is helpful for vision-impaired individuals.
Increase in Braille literacy will help increase equal opportunities for individuals having vision impairment.
Difficulties Faced By Blind/Vision Impaired Persons:
A report says that there are approximately 36 million blind individuals across the globe. The projected population is expected to be 115 million after 30 years. Technology has greatly helped and improved the lives of people with low vision as well as blinds.
The individuals with vision impairment face many difficulties and hardships, some of them are:
- Navigating new environments
- Banking
- Accessing buildings
- Computer usage
- Cash handling
- Shopping etc.